Elder Benjamin Archer

Elder Benjamin Xavier Archer
Benin Cotonou Mission
Quartier Cadjehoun #1158
Block F
01 BP 3323 Cotonou
Email: benjamin.archer@myldsmail.net

Monday, January 12, 2015

Bella, don't be jealous!


   Dear family and friends. This week had been very interesting. I'm happy to say that our recent converts are doing very well and are progressing quickly. it is wonderful to visit them and to do work with them in the church. However, there are some challenges with the branch leaders.  There are some challenges with the  "give someone a little power and they will start dishing out control" kind of a thing. In short there is some friction between the leaders and the members. It's frustrating because if things continue this way, it kind of nullifies our efforts as missionaries. We need to arrange things at home so we can invite people in.

   Other than this things are great. We have a new investigator who is an older fellow and apparently is an expert professor of International affairs and of the globalization of democracy. Something like that. He likes to take up most of the time to tell us about his religious beliefs, he expressed that he believes in an afterlife but expressed: " Will I have my hand back as it was?... probably not".  His comment make us excited to teach him about the resurrection. We gave him a Book of Mormon in our next visit, and left him Alma chapter 40 to read. I'm excited to see what he has to say next.

   As far as "extracurricular activities" (if you can call it that) today we traveled to a village called Quidah to visit..... yes, a voodoo python temple and the ocean. First the assistants drove us to a carved tree monument. I'm not exactly sure as to it's meaning but it seemed to be depicting something to do with slavery. After this we traveled on over the python temple where we were toured around and had interesting things explained to us. Far from doctrinally correct, but  interesting. Basically pythons are sacred and worshipped. After all the explaining, we entered into a small round and freestanding building that had  descended  in the center to a lower level. It was full of snakes. There were probably 50 pythons in there, none of them were terrible large, but there were many. We had the opportunity to hold them and take pictures.

   After the snakes we went over to the beach and walked along the shore. The weather was kind of hazy but it was a nice scene, there  were some decent sized waves too. This small activity took place during the morning and we returned to the apartment at noon. I will send some fun pictures for you to see.
   Have a nice day!                                      - Elder Archer -
                                                         - Voodoo phyton temple -
                         - We found and exterminated another mouse " dramatic mouse death pose". -

1 comment:

  1. ..... In the trip to the voodoo python temple, after the description of the 50 snakes. It supposed to say: " none of them were TERRIBLY large". Instead of "terrible" :)
